The Smart Factory includes sub-modules such as ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), MES (Manufacturing Execution System), PLM (Product Lifecycle Management), SCM (Supply Chain Management), FEM (Factory Energy Management) and Security.
MES (Manufacturing Execution System) is a production operation management system that optimizes all processes from ordering to production and logistics to reduce costs and distribution time to
connect with consumers in real time.
MES transfers, stores and analyzes data from the production process to create optimized production conditions.
By real-time information of the production site and fusion with peripheral system, we make optimal conditions to improve productivity and quality, as well as support corporate management by
reducing cost and time.
MES pursues the best efficiency with cloud storage, convergence of international standardized solutions, MES, AI and Big Data.
Data production through IoT will develope MES, communication with IoT sensors, automation machinery, logistics, MES and data analysis technologies will ensure business success.

It's required modernization and automation of production facilities for optimal production system and MES can manage global factories in one place with software standardization.
It needs to interoperate with management system such as MES, POP, HMI, SFC and needs technology such as AI, Big Data and machine learning that can predict and control the future.
ERP supports management activities of planning, purchasing, production, logistics, inventory, marketing and accounting.
ERP system has financial and accounting functions such as production planning, materials, quality, facility maintenance, logistics, production management, financial analysis, cost management and budgeting, in addition we have corporate support functions such as customer management, material purchasing, production, distribution and inventory management, so that we can actively cope
with market demands by checking production, accounting and stock situation.